Simple R Shiny App example

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This is a simple R Shiny app including 4 scatter plots of gene-gene expression.
This is not a working code, but the guideline for each step to build a shiny app.
Local run only.

Load the Shiny library


Set the data directory

dir <- "~/Desktop/figure/"
tpm = read.csv(paste0(dir,"your_tpm_file"), row.names = 1)

Create functions

# Create functions
scatterplot_geneA <- function(tpm, gene_y) {
  geneA ="your gene"
  subset_df <-data.frame(t(tpm[c(geneA, gene_y),]))
  plot(subset_df[, 1], subset_df[, 2], xlab = geneA, ylab = gene_y)
  correlation_coefficient <- cor(subset_df[, 1], subset_df[, 2], method = "spearman")
  abline(lm(subset_df[, 2] ~ subset_df[, 1]), col = "red")
  legend("topright", legend = paste("CC:", round(correlation_coefficient, 2)), bty = "n")

# Create functions
scatterplot_geneB <- function(tpm, gene_y) {
  geneB ="your gene"
  subset_df <-data.frame(t(tpm[c(geneB, gene_y),]))
  plot(subset_df[, 1], subset_df[, 2], xlab = geneB, ylab = gene_y)
  correlation_coefficient <- cor(subset_df[, 1], subset_df[, 2], method = "spearman")
  abline(lm(subset_df[, 2] ~ subset_df[, 1]), col = "red")
  legend("topright", legend = paste("CC:", round(correlation_coefficient, 2)), bty = "n")

scatterplot_geneC <- function(tpm, gene_y) {
  geneC ="your gene"
  subset_df <-data.frame(t(tpm[c(geneC, gene_y),]))
  plot(subset_df[, 1], subset_df[, 2], xlab = geneC, ylab = gene_y)
  correlation_coefficient <- cor(subset_df[, 1], subset_df[, 2], method = "spearman")
  abline(lm(subset_df[, 2] ~ subset_df[, 1]), col = "red")
  legend("topright", legend = paste("CC:", round(correlation_coefficient, 2)), bty = "n")

# Create functions
scatterplot_geneD <- function(tpm, gene_y) {
  geneD ="your gene"
  subset_df <-data.frame(t(tpm[c(geneD, gene_y),]))
  plot(subset_df[, 1], subset_df[, 2], xlab = geneD, ylab = gene_y)
  correlation_coefficient <- cor(subset_df[, 1], subset_df[, 2], method = "spearman")
  abline(lm(subset_df[, 2] ~ subset_df[, 1]), col = "red")
  legend("topright", legend = paste("CC:", round(correlation_coefficient, 2)), bty = "n")

Define the UI

ui <- fluidPage(
  # App title
  titlePanel("Gene Expression Analysis"),
  # Sidebar layout
      # Gene selection for geneA plot
      selectInput("y_gene1", "geneA vs Gene:", choices = rownames(tpm)),
      # Gene selection for geneB plot
      selectInput("y_gene2", "geneB vs Gene:", choices = rownames(tpm)),
      # Gene selection for geneC plot
      selectInput("y_gene3", "geneC vs Gene:", choices = rownames(tpm)),
      # Gene selection for geneD plot
      selectInput("y_gene4", "geneD vs Gene:", choices = rownames(tpm))
    # Main layout
        # First row: geneA plot output
        column(width = 6, plotOutput("scatterplot_geneA", width = 300, height = 280)),
        # First row: geneB plot output
        column(width = 6, plotOutput("scatterplot_geneB", width = 300, height = 280))
        # Second row: geneC plot output
        column(width = 6, plotOutput("scatterplot_geneC", width = 300, height = 280)),
        # Second row: geneD plot output
        column(width = 6, plotOutput("scatterplot_geneD", width = 300, height = 280))

Define the server

server <- function(input, output) {
  # Generate geneA plot
  output$scatterplot_geneA <- renderPlot({
    scatterplot_geneA(tpm, input$y_gene1)
  # Generate geneB plot
  output$scatterplot_geneB <- renderPlot({
    scatterplot_geneB(tpm, input$y_gene2)
  # Generate geneC plot
  output$scatterplot_geneC <- renderPlot({
    scatterplot_geneC(tpm, input$y_gene3)
  # Generate geneD plot
  output$scatterplot_geneD <- renderPlot({
    scatterplot_geneD(tpm, input$y_gene4)

Run the Shiny app

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Output will be like this