Summary 10X Genomics Group meeting

2024 May NY


Update: “2024-05-14”

Meeting Overview

10x Genomics Single Cell and Spatial Biology User Group Meeting
May 2, 2024 NY

Visium HD

Visium HD is the latest spatial gene expression platform.
Official Launch: March 26, 2024 (BioSpace)

Visium HD Spatial Gene Expression: 10X Genomics

Key Features

  1. Single-Cell Scale Spatial Resolution:
    2 x 2 µm barcoded squares for whole transcriptome profiling

  2. Chemistry : Optimized for FFPE (Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded) and fresh frozen tissues

  3. Integration with Histological Data:
    Combine H&E or IF images with high-resolution transcriptomic data from the same tissue section.

  4. Software : Space Ranger(processing) and Loupe Browser(visualize)

Comparison between Visum and Visium HD


GEM-X is the next-generation technology architecture from 10x Genomics, improving upon the earlier Next GEM architecture used in previous Chromium assays.

Assays by GEM-X:

  1. Chromium GEM-X Single Cell Gene Expression v4:
  1. GEM-X Single Cell Immune Profiling v3:

    Multiomic profiling to map adaptive immune responses. Delivers up to 80% cell capture efficiency and improved pairing of full-length T- and B-cell receptor sequences.

GEM-X SC3’v3 vs v4


A cutting-edge platform designed to enable single-cell RNA sequencing on previously inaccessible samples. By leveraging fixation technology and a comprehensive probe-based approach, FLEX makes it possible to profile gene expression in formaldehyde-fixed, FFPE, and frozen samples.

For challenging sample types
Fixed sample or fixation-based

Key Features

  1. Works with fresh, frozen, and formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples. Suitable for whole tissues, cell suspensions, and nuclei.

  2. Probe-Based RNA Profiling:

Compatible with Illumina NextSeq and NovaSeq platforms

More info at FLEX 10X Genomics

BEAM (Barcode Enabled Antigen Mapping)

BEAM at 10X Genomics

Summary Table

Platform Purpose Primary Application Sample Compatibility Key Data Output
FLEX scRNA-seq from fixed tissues Gene expression and protein detection Fresh, frozen, fixed Gene expression and surface protein data
Visium HD Spatial transcriptomics Spatial mapping of gene expression Fresh frozen, FFPE Spatial maps of gene expression
GEM-X High-throughput scRNA-seq Single-cell profiling, immune profiling Fresh tissues Gene expression, immune receptor sequencing
BEAM Antigen-specific B- and T-cell discovery Antigen screening of immune repertoires PBMCs, splenocytes, lymph node aspirates Full-length paired V(D)J sequences, gene expression

Single-cell immune profiling technologies

Evercode release event (Boston, May 2024)

Evercode link

Single-cell immune profiling technologies by Parse Biosciences and the BEAM technology by 10x Genomics:

Feature Parse Biosciences Single-Cell Immune Profiling 10x Genomics BEAM
Technology Uses split-pool combinatorial barcoding system Barcode-enabled antibody mapping
Points - No specialized equipment needed
- Capable of profiling up to one million cells
- Simultaneous BCR and TCR sequencing with gene expression profiling
- Focus on cell surface protein profiling
- Precise analysis of protein expression changes among different immune cells
Applications - Simultaneous profiling of TCR and BCR
- Detailed analysis of adaptive immune responses
- Immune cell phenotyping
- Analyzing protein expression variations among immune cells
Advantages - Scalable to large numbers of samples and cells
- Can be used with fixed cells and nuclei
- High specificity for cell surface antigens
- Allows simultaneous analysis of multiple cell markers


MultiPro Fixed Cell Immune Profiling Antibody Cocktail

product link
PROT/RNA comparison