Simple R Shiny App example 2

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This is a simple R Shiny app including scatter plots with the selection of correlation methods.
This is AN EXAMPLE for the app structure (definition of functions, ui, server).
Local run only.

Load the Shiny library


Set the data directory

dir <- "~/Desktop/figure/"
tpm = read.csv(paste0(dir,"your_tpm_file"), row.names = 1)

Create functions

# Create functions
scatterplot <- function(tpm, gene_x, gene_y, method = "spearman") {
  subset_df <- data.frame(t(tpm[c(gene_x, gene_y), ]))
  plot(subset_df[, 1], subset_df[, 2], xlab = gene_x, ylab = gene_y)
  correlation_coefficient <- cor(subset_df[, 1], subset_df[, 2], method = method)
  abline(lm(subset_df[, 2] ~ subset_df[, 1]), col = "red")
  legend("topright", legend = paste(method, "cor:", round(correlation_coefficient, 2)), bty = "n")

Define the UI

# Define the UI
ui <- fluidPage(
  # App title
  titlePanel("Gene Expression with correlation"),
  # Sidebar layout
      # Add descriptive information
        "This application analyzes the correlation between different genes and the expression levels of TROP2, EGFR, and KRAS in the ADC gene set."
            <li>Select a gene from the dropdown menu to compare its expression with TROP2, EGFR, and KRAS.</li>
            <li>Choose the correlation method (Spearman, Pearson, or Kendall).</li>
            <li>Observe the correlation coefficients and linear regression lines in each scatter plot.</li>
      # Gene selection for scatter plots
      selectInput("y_gene", "Select Gene:", choices = rownames(tpm)),
      radioButtons("correlation_method", "Correlation Method:", choices = c("spearman", "pearson", "kendall"))
        column(width = 6, plotOutput("scatterplot_trop2")),
        column(width = 6, plotOutput("scatterplot_egfr"))
        column(width = 6, plotOutput("scatterplot_kras"))

Define the server

server <- function(input, output) {
  # Generate TROP2 plot
  output$scatterplot_trop2 <- renderPlot({
    scatterplot(tpm, "TACSTD2", input$y_gene, method = input$correlation_method)
  # Generate EGFR plot
  output$scatterplot_egfr <- renderPlot({
    scatterplot(tpm, "EGFR", input$y_gene, method = input$correlation_method)
  # Generate KRAS plot
  output$scatterplot_kras <- renderPlot({
    scatterplot(tpm, "KRAS", input$y_gene, method = input$correlation_method)

Run the Shiny app

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Output will be like this